Putu Wijaya, yang produktif ini bernama lengkap I Gusti Ngurah Putu Wijaya, lahir di Puri Anom.
Hasanuddin WS, dilahirkan di Tanjung Pinang (Riau Kepulauan.
November 22, 1963.
sahabat setia selamanya
written for the layman, is a fascinating introduction to the study of astronomy
Anne of Green Gables is now half-past sixteen,but is still the strongheded and romantic heroine of the earlier book.
ketika sebait kata digoreskan dikanvas lukisan, maka sebait kata-yang disebut puisi-itu berpotensi mengacaukan esensi lukisan.
Emily Stone was dead -her career of double-dealing ended by a dagger trough the heart.